🗳️ Ballot Box with Ballot Emoji

Ballot Box with Ballot Emoji

Emoji Meaning: 

️Ballot Box with Ballot Emoji🗳an orange piece of paper sticks out of the top of a square blue box. The Ballot Box With Ballot object represents a typical voting mechanism in elections. Otherwise, it could imply a lottery or a chit collection in any other situation.


Voting and election-related information, especially in politics and government, is commonly used. ‘Ballot Box with Ballot’ was added to Emoji 1.0 in 2015.

Other Names

🗳️ Secret Ballot

🗳️ Ballot

🗳️ Voting

🗳️ Elections

🗳️ Vote Box

🗳️ Casting Votes


  • 🗳 U+1F5F3
  • ️ U+FE0F


  • :ballot_box: (Github)
  • :ballot_box_with_ballot: (Slack)
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