Emoji Meaning:
Adhesive Bandage emoji🩹is a white rectangular bandage with rounded corners and a removable cellophane piece with two flaps in the center. An Adhesive Bandage object provides wound protection, a quick fix, and first aid for cuts, scrapes, and other physical wounds. However, this emoji could also be used to represent other types of bandages, such as gauze and cloth bandages.
Unicode and approval
Adhesive Bandageformed Unicode 12.0 in 2019 and labeled it to Emoji 12.0 in 2019.
Other Names
🩹 First Aid
🩹 Bandage
🩹 Band-Aid
🩹 Gauze
🩹 Dressing
🩹 Elastoplast
🩹 Plaster
🩹 U+1FA74
:adhesive_emoji: (Github, Slack)
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